You’ve built a business that your clients can’t get enough of and they’re constantly shouting about you to their friends


You can take a good photo, sure, but if you aren’t providing your clients with an experience to remember, then what’s the point?

Get ready to:

  • ✺ Discover the logic behind selling yourself as a luxury business

  • ✺ Realise your worth and what you’re capable of

  • ✺ Finally feel confident that your pricing reflects your experience

From Primark To Chanel: The Online Masterclass

From Primark To Chanel: The Online Masterclass

An online course you will actually complete

We see you with that backlog of courses you never completed. Well, it won’t happen this time!

PTC is split into 10 easy-to-digest chapters meaning you can binge it all in one day, or complete the course over 10 days (with the longest lesson being 25 minutes)

The PRIMARK TO CHANEL masterclass is your new SECRET WEAPON

An in-depth collection of videos and workbooks designed to empower DETERMINED PHOTOGRAPHERS to build distinctive, LUXURY businesses that STAND OUT in a crowded market.

“I have walked away with a whole new level of confidence”


The majority of newborn and family enquiries come from word of mouth, so you need to ensure that your clients are telling their friends about more than just their cute photos.

You want them to be talking about the experience they had with you.

the masterclass content:

From Primark To Chanel covers the client experience from start to finish, with the video content split into easy-to-digest chapters that enable you to work through the course at your own pace.

Expand each chapter to learn more ->

  • A luxury client experience starts before your clients are even your clients yet!

  • Ensure it’s quick and easy for both you and your client, increasing your booking success rate

  • Create a welcome journey sets the tone for the whole experience and encourages upgrades

  • Ensure your clients turn up every single time wearing an outfit you can’t wait to share on insta

  • Create a stand-out photoshoot experience that they will be raving to their friends about

  • Educate your clients so they never nag you for photos and keep the excitement going

  • The best way to deliver galleries, along with selling additional images and products.

  • How to deliver your client’s final products, with an added wow factor!

  • How to keep your clients coming back for more, year on year

With access included to the course for 12 months, including any updates within this time!

Also included:

The Primark to Chanel Workbook

A 40-page workbook featuring all the actionable steps from the course, including interactive checklists and tasks for each of the following topics:

Optimising your website • Optimising your instagram • Responding to clients • Booking in clients • Crafting preparation emails • Mapping out your welcome journey • Planning the photoshoot experience • Gallery delivery • Print packaging • Post-shoot emails and processes.

Beautiful photos are never as powerful as an incredible experience.

“You’re not stuck thinking, how am I meant to do that? She'll literally spell it out for you”



Did you think that was all?! You’ll also get access to:






let’s find out

This masterclass is for you if:

  • You're envisioning a future where your business is a high-end brand, that stands out in a saturated market

  • You’d like to reach new clients with higher budgets which currently feel completely out of reach

  • You’d like to be seen as more than a service provider and start nurturing genuine relationships with your clients to turn them into your raving fans

  • You’re seeking to boost your confidence in your pricing and recognise your own worth

  • You have a history of starting but not completing online courses, this masterclass is designed to be engaging and easy to finish with its 10 digestible chapters

  • You’re constantly comparing your work and business to other photographers, thinking they’re better than you

This masterclass is not for you if:

  • You're content with the current size of your business, you don’t want any more clients nor do you want to make more money

  • You’re looking for a one-click answer that will solve all of your business problems without doing any actual work or committing any time to your business growth

  • You’re convinced that investing in education isn’t a valuable tool to help you make more money in your business and would rather stay in your comfort zone

  • You’d prefer to wait around for things to happen to you, rather than making them happen for you

  • You don't have aspirations to transform your business into a luxury brand as you’d prefer to earn less money whilst having to work more to pay your bills

  • You’re afraid of doing the work and don’t want to commit to long term growth

High end client experience = more trust = stronger reputation

Building a successful photography business is only 30% about the photos you take, 70% about the experience.

Think about it, imagine you went into Gucci and bought a new bag, but the shop assistant was SO rude to you. Your memory of that experience and your joy of your new bag will always be tainted by how you were treated.

Experience is EVERYTHING, and it’s what will enable you to succeed.

This masterclass will enable you to discover step-by-step how to build a business with a consistent, next-level reputation that your clients RAVE about to their friends - your word of mouth referrals will go through the roof!

By the end of the masterclass you’ll recognise how to:

  • Attract higher paying clients that are more aligned with your business

  • Feel confident in what you’re charging and never doubt your worth (because you’ll know your clients are getting a kick-ass experience in return)

  • Craft a business where your clients are excited to leave you a review raving about their experience

  • Implement a luxury client journey step-by-step with handy tick lists and workbook activities to ensure you get the work done as quickly as possible

And SO much more!


I’ve BEEN in your shoes…

I spent years pulling my hair out, wondering when I would ever start making enough money to pay my rent.

When I first started out as a photographer, there was such a lack of photography education in general, let alone anything that could teach me how to run a successful photography business that enabled me to stand out from all the other photographers around me.

How on EARTH would I get my clients to value my work enough that they would pay the higher prices I was yearning to charge?

Well, I never gave up. I made it my mission to find out EXACTLY what my clients loved and how to turn them from strangers into my biggest supporters.

Over the years I went from burnt out and disheartened, to motivated and truly in love with my business, whilst earning so much that I had to register for VAT.

It took me years to create a tried-and-tested client experience that is a level above most other photographers, and now I’m ready to teach you how to achieve it in a matter of hours.

A luxury client experience is about so much more than just your clients, it’s a reflection on the quality of your brand and how trustworthy your reputation is.

Don’t just take it from me:

You’ve got questions? I’ve got answers ↓

  • There is around 100 minutes of video content, split into bite-size chapters.

    For the 40-page workbook, I recommend allowing around 5 to 10 hours to complete it, depending how long you like to sit with things and how decisive you are!

  • There is no rush when it comes to completing the masterclass - you have 12 months access included in your purchase

  • My old client journey masterclass product was a zoom recording of a live online training back in lockdown in 2020. It’s now extremely out of date and so much more brief than this new masterclass.

    Think of it like the old course being just the contents page, and this masterclass being the encyclopaedia!

    Within From Primark to Chanel, the content is a whole new level and far more in depth than my old online training. My business itself has grown to a whole new level of luxury since the old training was recorded and I’m sharing all of that growth, knowledge and advice with you in this masterclass. Of course, some of the content will cover similar topics, but there is so much more to discover in this new masterclass and each point is expanded upon far more deeply than ever before.

  • Absolutely, questions are always welcome, and you can either email me at suzi@suzibirdstudio.co.uk or message me on Instagram @suzibirdeducation. For any in depth questions, I may recommend booking a one-to-one call to cover your queries in depth.

  • When I spoke at Gather to Grow in 2022, this was my test run of this masterclass! So if you attended then you will recognise some of the video content however, there are additional sections that have been added since. My G2G talk lasted for 45 minutes, and there’s 100 minutes of video content in this masterclass. You’ll also get access to the interactive workbook and added bonus products which is really where the difference is made in this masterclass. So don’t worry, there’s plenty of additional value in there!

  • The longer you make excuses on why you don’t have time to nurture your business, the longer it will take to reach your goals and the less money you’ll earn in the long run.

    This course is laid out in the simplest way making it so easy to digest. You can complete the video content in 10 minutes a day for 10 days, 5 minutes a day for 20 days - whatever suits you. It’s not a big time commitment but it’ll make the world of difference to your business.

    You’ll also learn a number of time saving tips during the masterclass, so you’ll gain back the time spent doing this training by saving that time in your business!

  • I can’t think of a better way to build a business than to start as you mean to go on!

    Gaining this knowledge at the start of your journey will save you SO much time! No learning lessons the hard way, you’ll be on the road to success from day one!

  • Absolutely! A number of my course testers had previously attended a workshop with me and they specifically mentioned that, although they were concerned that they wouldn’t learn anything new, they came away with a whole host of knowledge that I didn’t cover at previous training sessions!

    Check out this review from Sophie Bowdler: “After doing your retreat last year I wasn't sure if I would take much away from this masterclass, but I was definitely wrong. The videos are great and easy to watch and then the workbook is something I can print and complete as I go along and grow my business. Thank you Suzi for another great resource!”

  • Photographers of all abilities can enrol onto this masterclass. The content is aimed at intermediate/advanced businesses, but lays the roadmap on how to get there for those in the beginning stages of their businesses.

  • The masterclass is pre-recorded, meaning you can watch it at a time that suits you rather than having to commit to showing up live.

  • No, this is the same as paying instalments. Once you have paid your first payment, the rest will be automatically deducted from your account for the next two months.

  • All digital course and product sales are final, no returns or refunds available.


Ready? Let’s do this!

the ultimate client experience course for newborn & family photographers



x3 monthly payments



One time
For 3 months

Beautiful photos are never as powerful as an incredible experience.


While we strive for an accurate portrayal of the possible outcomes of our products and services, you acknowledge that you bear sole responsibility for your outcomes of this course and Suzi Bird Ltd cannot be held accountable for the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, alterations in your financial situation or income, or any other results that may arise from the information provided on our website and trainings. The testimonials showcased on our website feature genuine clients who have undertaken the masterclass, and are not intended to serve as an assurance that similar results for current or future clients are guaranteed. Rather, these testimonials represent the potential outcomes that are made possible by this training. The results of the course are dependant on (but not limited to) a number of factors beyond our control including: the time and effort you invest in consuming the content, applying the concepts and techniques, your existing knowledge, the extent of paid advertising and budget you have available, your general skills, time available to you, and financial circumstances.